Generate engagement and sell properties faster with Scriptbiz.
We’ve analyzed hundreds of thousands of property descriptions and are providing data-driven insights to help you optimize your descriptions, improving both engagement and sales.

Take the first step to selling homes faster.
Check out our magazine, a collection of some of the most impactful words and phrases for descriptions, along with detailed insights and recommendations for how to best use them.
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Concierge - Learn More Why optimize descriptions?
All else equal, property descriptions that use a top phrase are over 2 times more likely to receive a favorite and over 1.5 times more likely to sell in less than 30 days than average descriptions for comparable properties.
Our insights will help real estate professionals increase engagement and ultimately, reduce the average time on market for properties – improving both brand and income.
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Amplify the power of your descriptions by using the right combinations of words, phrases and concepts. Scriptbiz guides real estate agents in selecting the most powerful combinations to generate engagement and drive sales.
"Garden" is one of the best words real estate agents can use in their property descriptions. Descriptions using this word are nearly 2 times as likely to receive a favorite.
Having rich, engaging property descriptions that use high performance words consistently drive favorites. The data shows that, all else equal, properties with more favorites per day sell faster than those with fewer favorites.